Girls Flag Football
In 2025, CJT will be offering Girls Flag Football.
The program will participate via TCYFL (The Chicagoland Youth Football League). Last season, TCYFL offered two levels of competition. 4th/5th grade and 6th-8th grade. However, their intent is to open it up to whatever levels have significant interest. While it is hard to gauge where numbers will end up this year, these two levels are certainly going to be a part of our inaugural season. If your daughter is younger than those grades and interested, we will do our best to ensure she can participate. Whether it is through TCYFL or competition from other towns in the area.
$150 Registration Fee
Practices days and times will be determined by the coaches and will likely be held at Deer Path Elementary. Practices can begin the week of July 28th.
Games will run early September through late October. TCYFL will schedule all games. Game locations are determined by TCYFL and there will likely be a handful of neutral sites they identify where games will be held.
If you are interested in coaching please reach out with the contact form below.
Below is the 2024 TCYFL Girls Flag Rule book to help answer any questions you may have on that end.