Financial Assistance

The Cary Junior Trojans Financial Assistance program is designed to provide temporary support for young athletes in the community that want to participate in the Cary Junior Trojan football, cheer, or pom programs however don’t have the current economic resources to allow them to do so.

Qualifications and rules
  • CJT Executive Board will determine a families need for assistance
  • Families must be experiencing financial difficulties causing a situation that would otherwise prevent participation in the CJT program.
  • Assistance from CJT may be in one of several forms. CJT may decide:
  1. To fully assist a family including jersey or shoes.
  2. To provide partial assistance (i.e. registration fee only).
  3.  To ask for volunteering of time in lieu of fee.
  4.  Put the family on a payment plan.
  5. A combination of the above (assistance, payment plan, and volunteer).
  • In most cases, families will be required to purchase jerseys or cheer/pom shoes, pads, or any other equipment that the player keeps.
  • Families can only take advantage of the Financial Assistance program two times (per player). Only in dire circumstances will this rule be waived. This is to encourage availability to more families.
  • Families will need to submit the Financial Assistance Request form (found at the bottom of this page) to the  CJT financial assistance committee. The committee, at its sole discretion will determine if a family’s needs qualify for the financial assistance program and if space is still available. Please click on HERE to submit your request.
  • Request of need will be submitted to the chairperson of the financial assistance committee. The Chairperson will de-identify the family information and submit the statement of need to the remaining committee for review. The committee will evaluate the situation and make their recommendations to the chair. The majority vote of the committee will determine assistance level.  A response will be provided to the family via email or regular mail in which the level of sponsorship will be clearly expressed.
  • CJT will use as a guideline for the number of sponsorships 1 player for each 50 players in the program, rounded up to the nearest 50. The goal shall be to evenly distribute the sponsorships based on the numbers at each level. For instance, if Bantam has 100 players, 2 Bantam level participants can be sponsored. However, if there are limited or no sponsorship requests for a particular level, sponsorships may be redistributed to other levels as the committee sees fit. The CJT board may set a maximum number of sponsorships or a fixed dollar amount of support.
  • Financial Assistance applicants and information, including historical information will be kept confidentially by the president and treasurer of CJT and will be made available to the Executive Board on an as needed basis.
  • The CJT will hold an equipment drive at the end of each season to collect used equipment to include football pants, pads, belts, shoes, practice jerseys, rib protectors, etc, to offer assisted players. The chairman of the financial assistance committee will distribute the equipment as requested by the sponsor family.
  • After review by the financial assistance committee, the family will receive an email or letter in the mail as to the statues of their payment. Most likely, the family will be contacted by phone by the chairperson of the committee to go over the committee’s recommendation. The conversation shall provide the final details of the level of assistance, which will then be sent to the family in a written notice. The purpose of the call is to finalize exact payment plan, volunteer work, or other options that the committee will authorize the chair person to communicate with the family.
  • The family will then schedule payments and/or time to volunteer.
  • If the family does not comply with the agreed upon plan, the player will not be allowed to participate in any CJT activity until their account is brought into compliance.
  • All requests have to be received by the last day of registration.